Guitarist Grethen Menn has returned to the studio and after leading the house band at the She Rocks Awards at the NAMM show in Anaheim, California. She Rocks is designed to honor and highlight women making significant contributions to the music industry.
Gretchen played guitar on sets with Grammy-nominated saxophonist Mindi Abair, and jammed with Greek-Australian female guitarist Orianthi, who was selected to be in Michael Jackson’s last touring band before his untimely death. Gretchen and Orianthi were joined onstage at one point by former Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora for a triple-guitar jam.
Gretchen will be busy recording her second solo album as well as playing shows with her Led-Zeppelin tribute band Zepparella, and Orianthi is expected to record another album with Richie Sambora.
Photo: Gretchen Menn at center with white Music Man guitar, Jenna Paone on keyboards, Angeline Saris on bass (left), Mindi Abair on saxophone, and Orianthi on guitar (right), Clementine on drums.
Photographer: Mark Manion
Gretchen Menn Press Release
2015年4月22日 by admin • •
ギタリストGretchen Mennは、アナハイムカリフォルニアでのShe Rocks Awardsでのベースバンドとして演奏してから、スタジオに戻りました。
She Rocks Awardsのステージでは、グラミー賞にノミネートされた、サックス奏者のMindi Abairとギリシャ、オーストラリア人であり、マイケルジャクソンが亡くなる直前のツアーでのギタリストをつとめたOrianthiとGretchen Mennが演奏しました。
Gretchen Mennは、Orianthiと、Bon JoviのギタリストのRichie Samboraと共に激しい演奏で、ステージを盛り上げました。
Gretchen Mennは二枚目のソロアルバムをレコーディングしながら、Led ZeppelinのトリビュートバンドであるZepparellaの活動、さらにOrianthiとRichie Samboraとの新しいアルバムも計画しています。
Gretchen played guitar on sets with Grammy-nominated saxophonist Mindi Abair, and jammed with Greek-Australian female guitarist Orianthi, who was selected to be in Michael Jackson’s last touring band before his untimely death. Gretchen and Orianthi were joined onstage at one point by former Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora for a triple-guitar jam.
写真中央(白いMusic Manギターを弾いている):Gretchen Menn
キーボード:Jenna Paone
左手ベース:Angeline Saris
サクソフォン:Mindi Abair
右側ギター: Orianthi
写真撮影はMark Manion